Graph Algorithms Building Blocks (GABB’2018)
JW Marriott Parq Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
21 May 2018
Scope and Goals:
This workshop series started with the narrow goal of exploring the definition of a set of basic building blocks for graph algorithms (, analogous to the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS). Over the years, our scope has expanded. We’ve welcomed a wide range of papers into GABB covering graph computations with an emphasis on high-performance and parallel computing. We expect this trend to continue in 2018.
In particular, while we retain our focus on "building blocks" for graph computations (including those not based on linear algebra), we also welcome work that focuses on libraries and frameworks to support applications that use graph algorithms. Finally, we have been pleasantly surprised to see graph algorithm building blocks used for problems outside graph analytics such as sparse machine learning. We eagerly welcome such papers at GABB’18.
Our target audience is developers of graph algorithms, researchers in high-performance computing working on irregular applications, applied mathematicians working on fundamental algorithmic building blocks for graph computations, and application scientists using graphs in their computational work and data analysis.
This workshop is co-located with IPDPS 2018, held 21-25 May 2018, at the JW Marriott Parq Vancouver, in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Registration information for IPDPS2018 can be found at here.
Details and Dates
To submit a paper, upload a PDF copy here:
Submitted manuscripts may not exceed ten (10) single-spaced double-column pages using 10-point size font on 8.5x11 inch pages (IEEE conference style), including figures, tables, and references (see IPDPS Call for Papers for more details). All papers will be reviewed. Proceedings of the workshops are distributed at the conference and are submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library after the conference.
- Submissions due: February 12, 2018 EST 23:59pm
- Notification: February 19, 2018
- Final Camera-Ready Manuscript due: March 16, 2018
GABB 2018 Agenda
Session |
Title |
Authors |
Keynote Session (8:30am-10am) |
Graph Algorithms in the Language of Linear Algebra: How Did We Get Here, and Where Do We Go Next? |
John Gilbert |
Spectral Graph Drawing: Building Blocks and Performance Analysis |
Shad Kirmani and Kamesh Madduri |
Morning Break (10-10:30am) |
1 (10:30am-12) Generating Graphs with known properties |
Parallel generation of large-scale random graphs |
Anil Vullikanti |
Design, Generation, and Validation of Extreme Scale Power-Law Graphs |
Jeremy Kepner and Sid Samsi |
On Large-Scale Graph Generation with Validation of Diverse Triangle Statistics at Edges and Vertices |
Geoffrey Sanders, Roger Pearce, Timothy La Fond and Jeremy Kepner |
Lunch (12-1:30pm) |
2 (1:30pm-3pm) GraphBLAS implementations |
Patterns of GraphBLAS Algorithms: Tales from the Trenches |
Scott McMillian |
Implementing the GraphBLAS C API |
Jose Moreira, Manoj Kumar and William Horn |
PyGB: GraphBLAS DSL in Python with Dynamic Compilation into Efficient C++ |
Jesse Chamberlin, Marcin Zalewski, Scott McMillan and Andrew Lumsdaine |
Afternoon Break (3-3:30pm) |
3 (3:30pm-5pm) Graph Building Blocks community meeting |
A Survey of Modern Analysis on Graphs: Open Problems |
Chris Long |
Panel: Graph Building Blocks in Graph Applications
Panelists: Jose Moreira, Chris Long, and Marcin Zalewski.
Moderator: Tim Mattson |
Workshop Organizers:
- Tim Mattson, Intel Corp.
Program committee members (in addition to the chair):
- Jonathan Berry, Sandia National Labs
- Aydın Buluç, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Vasia Kalavri, ETH Zürich
- Jeremy Kepner, MIT Lincoln Labs
- Weifeng Liu, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Chris Long, US Department of Defense
- Andrew Lumsdaine, Pacific Northwest National Lab and University of Washington
- Kamesh Madduri, Penn State University
- Jose Moreira, IBM
- John Owens, University of California, Davis
- Fabrizio Petrini, Intel
- Albert-Jan Yzelman, Huawei
Steering committee:
- David A. Bader (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Aydın Buluç (LBNL)
- John Gilbert (UC Santa Barbara)
- Jeremy Kepner (MIT Lincoln Labs)